Friday 8 April 2016

My Friendship Story

Hello readers

So today, I am here to tell you my story.

This story is begin when I am 13 Years Old. It is my first day at the secondary school. I am not alone because I have a lot of friends from my primary school who together register at that school but I also meet many new friends. One of my new friends is Ainin Sofiya Ilyana. She is short, thin and have a white skin. At the time, we are not bestfriend we were just only friend but when we at form 2, both of us still at the same class started at there we're being more closed. We are doing homework together, go  to canteen together and still met at my house after school. After school we will going to cyber cafe just only want to play game hahaha. Surprising, we at the same class until form 5. We laughing and crying together when take the result PMR. At form 4 we make decision to enter at the class of science stream and at the end of form 5 we also together regret because enter at the class hahaha. When SPM result was announced both of not laugh anymore, we just crying because the result was really bad T.T sob2~~

   After SPM, we are not often meet because both of us make a part time job while waiting for the UPU result . At that time, we just connect via Whatsapp and WeChat. Our SPM result is not great so I am scared if we did't get any offer from IPTA so I decide to enter form 6. I told to Ainin and she also want to join me. We meet at register day of form 6 and both of us just only register but not go to the school anymore hahaha.. We're not join the orientation day because both of us still work at the time. LOL :p... 2 weeks after the register day, UPU result was announced. At the time my heart was beating  fast, I am so nervous and scared if did't get any offer but after checked the result I am not scared anymore it is because I get offer from UiTM in Diploma Pengurusan Ladang dan Agroteknologi but we can check the next day where the campus. So, I called Ainin to told that and she was laughing badly to me because the course that I get -.-'' She also said she can't check the result because at the shop she work there is no WiFi. At the night, she called me and said she already checked the UPU result and I inpatiently to know it. She warn we not to laughing me. She told to me while scream and told to me she also get offer from UiTM In Diploma Pengurusan Ladang dan Agroteknologi hahaha Sorry to her because I'm laughing like a crazy girl. The next day we check where our campus and we get same campus which is UiTM Pahang campus Jengka. I am really happy at the time because my bestfriend will together study with me. Unfortunately, at the register day, I came late and we can't get same room :( and we also not in same class. After 2 months at there, AGAIN both of us regret with our decision because Diploma Pengurusan Ladang was really tough and need a strong mental and physical. Both of us crying a lot but we create our own spirit to stay and proceed the study. We're promise to change the course when we take the Ijazah hahaha. At the UiTM, many things that I'm doing with Ainin and we regret after that. LOL both of us.. Among it is when we are join brass band. The theory of music and the training is more tough from practical at ladang T.T sobs sobs~~ BUT after we through all the challenges and hardships we met something special it is called satisfaction. We really in love with our diploma and our band but at the semester 4, I really need to quit from UiTM. It is hard decision when I need to leave Ainin, to leave the all planters(DPIM 54) and want to leave my band(Blue Titans) but for my bright future i need to leave them. After 3 weeks  at semester 4 I fill the form to quit, one week after that I

back to my home. So goodbye to all thing make me more mature. To Ainin, my bestfriend till Jannah keep strong and get the roll Diploma in Plantation. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.. 4 months for not see you, make me sad everyday.. Miss you badly, dear.

written by Suraya Aisyah

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